Game of Thrones – Season Finale

Warning: Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! If you haven’t watched Game of Thrones and you don’t want to know how the season ends don’t read this article.

“You win or you die” – Cersei Lannister.

That phrase resumes Game of Thrones perfectly. After finishing its first ten-episode season, Game of Thrones has reached a position between my top ten series of all times. I know that all the people who haven’t read the books are still shocked by the brutal end of the chapter nine “Baelor”, even though I knew what was going to happen I couldn’t avoid the feeling of unpleasantness.  Eddard Stark had been the most rightful character in this season, even when confronting his trial and certain death; he only decided to put aside his honor in order to try to preserve his sons and daughters life.

It is obvious that the series producers had great confidence in its success, because the series finale is just the beginning of new and deeper arguments and storylines; obviously this is a consequence of the way the books are written, but anyway, they made a great bid taking the decision of making a series following the book’s structure.

What happened in the last chapter? The war has just started, Robb Stark is the new acclaimed King of the North, Jaime Lannister is a prisoner of the Stark, a sadistic King Joffrey is acting in his own agenda, and Jon Stark has just departed to the north of the wall, where the White Walkers live and hunt.

A beautiful girl and a dragon = EPIC!

But the greatest scene of the season finale came in the last minutes with Daenerys confronting the loss of her husband and her unborn child. When I watched her entering to the pyre where Khal Drogo’s body was burning, my heart started to beat faster. The last scene was perfect, with Daenerys emerging from the ashes like a phoenix, with three new baby dragons and all the remaining people of her tribe proclaiming her as their new Khaleesi. A naked beautiful girl with a dragon over her shoulder was the perfect definition of the most pure medieval fantasy.

Since we have to wait for the start of the second season until 2012, it seems like a very distant future. Game of Thrones was perfect most of the time, with only minor flaws eclipsed by the great work of actors, writers and all the staff. I suppose that is time to start reading the next book.

Don’t forget: Winter is coming…

Stark's House

Stark´s House - Click to enlarge

More wallpapers after the jump…



Posted on 22 June, 2011, in Game of Thrones, personal, series, TV and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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